BloodHound Enterprise vs. BloodHound CE

This article applies to BHCE and BHE

BloodHound Enterprise (BHE) and BloodHound Community Edition (CE) may look alike but there are major differences; not just in the features they pack but also in the problems they can solve and the business purposes they serve.

BloodHound CE is focused on the security testing mission — to enable organizations to identify, test, and validate Attack Path risk. Effectively, BloodHound CE will continue to be what BloodHound Legacy has always been, and we will continue to expand the ability to identify Attack Paths with more accuracy and coverage than ever before.

BloodHound Enterprise is focused on the risk management mission — to enable organizations to continuously identify, measure, and remediate Attack Path risk across the environment. BHE will receive the same coverage and accuracy enhancements added to all BloodHound products but will benefit from the ongoing collection, data reconciliation, and all analysis functionalities necessary to manage risk following the Attack Path Management framework within an organization consistently.


For more information on the differences, check out the BloodHound Version Feature Comparison.


Learn more about the benefits of BloodHound Enterprise and see how BloodHound Enterprise can be an invaluable addition to your organization's security toolbox with a demo by clicking the button below.

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